Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 981 - 1015 of 1806
flotation more translation tteum
flotilla 소함대 so ham dae
flotsam 표류 화물 pyo lyu hwa mul
flounce 버둥거림 more translation beo dung geo lim
flounder 버둥거림 more translation beo dung geo lim
flour 밀가루 more translation mil ga lu
flourish 휘두르기 more translation hwi du leu gi
flourishing 번성하는 more translation beon seong ha neun
flourishingly 풍요롭게 more translation pung yo lop ge
floury 가루가 많은 ga lu ga manh eun
flout 모욕하다 mo yok ha da
flow 흐름 more translation heu leum
flowchart 일관작업도 more translation il gwan jag eop do
flower more translation kkoc
flowerbed 화단 hwa dan
flowered 꽃이 있는 more translation kkoc i it neun
floweret 작은 꽃 jag eun kkoc
flowering 개화 more translation gae hwa
flowerpot 화분 hwa bun
flowers 월경 wol gyeong
flowery 꽃이 많은, 꽃 같은 more translation kkoc i manh eun kkoc gat eun
flowing 흐르는 more translation heu leu neun
flowingly 흐르는 듯이 more translation heu leu neun deus i
flu 독감 dok gam
flubdub 허세 heo se
fluctuate 파동치다 more translation pa dong chi da
fluctuation 파동 more translation pa dong
fluctuational 동요하는 more translation dong yo ha neun
flue 작은 굴뚝 more translation jag eun gul ttuk
fluency 달변 more translation dal byeon
fluent 유창한 more translation yu chang han
fluently 유창하게 more translation yu chang ha ge
fluff 보풀 more translation bo pul
fluffbrain 멍청이 more translation meong cheong i
fluffiness 보풀거림 more translation bo pul geo lim

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