Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 1016 - 1050 of 1806
fluffy 보풀의 more translation bo pul ui
fluid 액체 more translation aek che
fluidity 유동성 yu dong seong
fluidly 유동적으로 more translation yu dong jeog eu lo
fluids 액체 more translation aek che
fluke 미늘 more translation mi neul
flummery 실없는 소리 sil eopt neun so li
flummox 어리둥절하게 하다 more translation eo li dung jeol ha ge ha da
flump 털썩 more translation teol sseok
flunk 낙제하다 more translation nak je ha da
fluor 형석 hyeong seok
fluorescence 형광 more translation hyeong gwang
fluorescent 형광성의 more translation hyeong gwang seong ui
fluoride 불소 bul so
fluoridization 불소화 bul so hwa
fluorite 형석 hyeong seok
fluorspar 형석 hyeong seok
flurried 혼란한 hon lan han
flurry 혼란 more translation hon lan
flush 홍조 more translation hong jo
flushed 상기된 more translation sang gi doen
flushing 홍조 hong jo
fluster 혼동 more translation hon dong
flustered 당황한 more translation dang hwang han
flute 플루트 more translation peul lu teu
fluted 피리소리의 more translation pi li so li ui
fluting 피리 불기 more translation pi li bul gi
flutist 피리 부는 사람 more translation pi li bu neun sa lam
flutter 펄럭임 more translation peol leog im
fluty 피리소리 같은 pi li so li gat eun
fluvial 하천의 ha cheon ui
flux 흐름 more translation heu leum
fly 파리 more translation pa li
flyagaric 광대버섯 gwang dae beo seot
flyaway 바람에 나부끼는 more translation ba lam e na bu kki neun

Word of the day:
whopper · 엄청난 것

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