Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 701 - 735 of 1806
firstborn 장자 jang ja
firstfruits 첫 열매 more translation cheos yeol mae
firsthand 직접적인 more translation jik jeop jeog in
firstling 햇것 more translation haet geot
firstly 첫째로 more translation cheot jjae lo
firth 후미 hu mi
fiscal 국고의 more translation guk go ui
fish 생선 more translation saeng seon
fishbone 생선가시 saeng seon ga si
fishbowl 어항 eo hang
fisher 어부 eo bu
fisherman 어부 eo bu
fishery 어업 more translation eo eop
Fishes 물고기자리 mul go gi ja li
fishhook 손가락 son ga lak
fishiness 이상함 more translation i sang ham
fishing 낚시 more translation nak si
fishline 낚싯줄 nak sit jul
fishman 어부 eo bu
fishmonger 생선 장수 saeng seon jang su
fishplate 이음매 판 i eum mae pan
fishpond 양어지 yang eo ji
fishtail 꼬리치기 활공 kko li chi gi hwal gong
fishtailing 좌우로 미익을 흔들어 속력을 떨어 뜨리기 jwa u lo mi ig eul heun deul eo sok lyeog eul tteol eo tteu li gi
fishy 수상한 more translation su sang han
fishy smell 비린내 bi lin nae
fissile 갈라지기 쉬운 gal la ji gi swi un
fission 분열 bun yeol
fissionable 핵분열하는 haek bun yeol ha neun
fissure 갈라진 틈 more translation gal la jin teum
fissured 틈이난 more translation teum i nan
fist 주먹 more translation ju meok
fistfight 주먹싸움 ju meok ssa um
fistic 권투의 gwon tu ui
fisticuff 주먹싸움 ju meok ssa um

Word of the day:
eider · 솜털오리

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