Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 946 - 980 of 1806
flock 무리 more translation mu li
floe 빙원 bing won
flog 채찍질하다 more translation chae jjik jil ha da
flogging 채찍질 more translation chae jjik jil
flood 홍수 more translation hong su
flooded 범람한 more translation beom lam han
floodgate 수문 more translation su mun
flooding 홍수 more translation hong su
floodlight 조명 more translation jo myeong
floodlit 밝게 빛이 나는 more translation balk ge bic i na neun
floor 바닥 more translation ba dak
floorcloth 마루 걸레 more translation ma lu geol le
floored 패배한 more translation pae bae han
floorer 마루를 놓는 사람 more translation ma lu leul noh neun sa lam
flooring 바닥 more translation ba dak
floorwalker 매장감독 mae jang gam dok
floosy 방탕한 여자 more translation bang tang han yeo ja
floozy 방종한 여자 bang jong han yeo ja
flop 펄썩 쓰러짐 more translation peol sseog sseu leo jim
floppy 유연한 more translation yu yeon han
flora 식물상 more translation sik mul sang
floral 꽃의 more translation kkoc ui
floral tribute 조화 jo hwa
Florence 피렌체 pi len che
Florentine 피렌체 사람 more translation pi len che sa lam
florescence 개화 more translation gae hwa
floret 작은 꽃 jag eun kkoc
floriated 꽃무늬의 kkoc mu nui ui
floriculture 화초재배 more translation hwa cho jae bae
florid 불그스름한 more translation bul geu seu leum han
Florida 플로리다 peul lo li da
florist 꽃장수 kkoc jang su
floss 치실 more translation chi sil
flossy 치실 같은 more translation chi sil gat eun
flotage 부유 more translation bu yu

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