Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 736 - 770 of 1806
fisticuffs 주먹싸움 ju meok ssa um
fistula 관 모양의 기관 more translation gwan mo yang ui gi gwan
fit 맞추다 more translation mat chu da
fitch 화필 hwa pil
fitchew 화필 hwa pil
fitful 안정없는 more translation an jeong eopt neun
fitment 비품 more translation bi pum
fitness 능력 more translation neung lyeok
fitted 알맞은 more translation al maj eun
fitter 맞추는 사람 more translation mat chu neun sa lam
fitting 가봉 more translation ga bong
fitting room 탈의실 tal ui sil
fittingly 꼭 들어맞게 more translation kkog deul eo mat ge
fittings 가구 more translation ga gu
five 다섯 more translation da seot
fivefold 오배의 more translation o bae ui
fiver 오파운드 지폐 more translation o pa un deu ji pye
fix 고치다 more translation go chi da
fixate 고정시키다 more translation go jeong si ki da
fixated 고정된 more translation go jeong doen
fixation 정착 more translation jeong chak
fixative 정착액 more translation jeong chag aek
fixature 모발 정조제 mo bal jeong jo je
fixed 고정된 more translation go jeong doen
fixedly 정착적으로 more translation jeong chak jeog eu lo
fixedness 정착 jeong chak
fixing 고정 more translation go jeong
fixings 고명 go myeong
fixity 정착 more translation jeong chak
fixture 고정물 more translation go jeong mul
fizz 쉿하는 소리 more translation swit ha neun so li
fizzle more translation swit
fizzy 쉿쉿 거품이는 swit swis geo pum i neun
fjord 피오르드 more translation pi o leu deu
flabbergast 깜짝 놀라게 하다 more translation kkam jjag nol la ge ha da

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