Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 876 - 910 of 1806
flay 가죽을 벗기다 more translation ga jug eul beot gi da
flea 벼룩 byeo luk
fleabag 침대 more translation chim dae
fleam 방혈침 bang hyeol chim
fleck 얼룩점 more translation eol luk jeom
flecked 반점이 있는 more translation ban jeom i it neun
flecker 얼룩덜룩하게 하다 eol luk deol luk ha ge ha da
flection 굴곡 more translation gul gok
fledge 깃털이 다 나다 more translation git teol i da na da
fledged 깃털이 다 나는 more translation git teol i da na neun
flee 도망가다 more translation do mang ga da
fleece 양털로 덮힘 more translation yang teol lo deop him
fleecy 양털로 덮인 more translation yang teol lo deop in
fleer 비웃음 more translation bi us eum
fleet 함대 more translation ham dae
fleeting 휙 지나가는 more translation hwig ji na ga neun
fleetingly 순간적으로 sun gan jeog eu lo
flench 가죽을 벗기다 ga jug eul beot gi da
flense 가죽을 벗기다 ga jug eul beot gi da
flesh 살코기 more translation sal ko gi
fleshiness 살집이 좋음 more translation sal jib i joh eum
fleshly 육체의 more translation yuk che ui
fleshpot 사치 more translation sa chi
fleshy 살의 more translation sal ui
flex 굽힘 more translation gup him
flexed 휘어진 hwi eo jin
flexibility 유연성 more translation yu yeon seong
flexible 유연한 more translation yu yeon han
flexibly 유연하게 more translation yu yeon ha ge
flexion 굴곡 more translation gul gok
flexure 굴곡 more translation gul gok
flick 살짝 때리기 more translation sal jjag ttae li gi
flicker 깜박임 more translation kkam bag im
flickering 깜박거리는 more translation kkam bak geo li neun
flickeringly 깜박거리면서 kkam bak geo li myeon seo

Word of the day:
festal · 유쾌한

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