Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 911 - 945 of 1806
flier 조종사 more translation jo jong sa
flight 비행 more translation bi haeng
flighty 들뜬 deul tteun
flimflam 엉터리 more translation eong teo li
flimsily 빈약하게 more translation bin yak ha ge
flimsiness 연약함 more translation yeon yak ham
flimsy 얇은 종이 more translation yalb eun jong i
flinch 겁먹고 움찔함 more translation geop meok go um jjil ham
flinchingly 주춤거리며 more translation ju chum geo li myeo
flinders 파편 pa pyeon
fling 내던지다 more translation nae deon ji da
flint 부싯돌 more translation bu sit dol
flinthearted 냉혹한 naeng hok han
flinty 부싯돌 같은 more translation bu sit dol gat eun
flip 손가락으로 튕기기 more translation son ga lag eu lo twing gi gi
flip flap 고무 슬리퍼 go mu seul li peo
flippancy 경솔 gyeong sol
flippant 경박한 gyeong bak han
flippantly 경박하게 gyeong bak ha ge
flipper 물갈퀴 more translation mul gal kwi
flirt 희롱 more translation hui long
flirtation 희롱 more translation hui long
flirtatiousness 희롱 more translation hui long
flirtingly 장난으로 more translation jang nan eu lo
flit 휙휙날다 more translation hwik hwik nal da
flivver 싸구려 자동차 more translation ssa gu lyeo ja dong cha
float 뜨다 more translation tteu da
floatable 뜰 수 있는 more translation tteul su it neun
floatage more translation bae
floatation tteum
floater 뜨는 사람 more translation tteu neun sa lam
floating 부유 more translation bu yu
floatplane 비행정 bi haeng jeong
floaty 뜨는 more translation tteu neun
flocculate 양털뭉치 모양으로 하다 more translation yang teol mung chi mo yang eu lo ha da

Word of the day:
wooliness · 복슬복슬함

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