Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 1 - 35 of 1806
fable 우화 u hwa
fabled 우화로 된 more translation u hwa lo doen
fabler 우화작가 u hwa jak ga
fabric more translation cheon
fabricate 만들다 more translation man deul da
fabricated 만드는 more translation man deu neun
fabrication 꾸며낸 것 more translation kku myeo naen geot
fabulist 우화작가 u hwa jak ga
fabulosity 전설적 성질 jeon seol jeog seong jil
fabulous 굉장한 more translation goeng jang han
fabulously 믿을 수 없이 more translation mid eul su eops i
face 얼굴 more translation eol gul
facecloth 얼굴을 닦는 수건 eol gul eul dak neun su geon
faced 표면이 덮힌 more translation pyo myeon i deop hin
faceless 얼굴이 없는 more translation eol gul i eopt neun
facer 화장 마무리하는 사람 more translation hwa jang ma mu li ha neun sa lam
facet 한 면 han myeon
facetiae 재담 jae dam
facetious 우스운 u seu un
facetiously 우습게 u seup ge
facia 간판 gan pan
faciae 간판 gan pan
facial 얼굴 마사지 more translation eol gul ma sa ji
facile 손쉬운 more translation son swi un
facilely 손쉽세 son swip se
facilitate 용이하게 하다 more translation yong i ha ge ha da
facilitation 용이하게 함 more translation yong i ha ge ham
facilities 설비 more translation seol bi
facility 편의설비 more translation pyeon ui seol bi
facing 면함 more translation myeon ham
facings 겉칠 하기 more translation geot chil ha gi
facsimile 팩스 paek seu
fact 사실 more translation sa sil
faction 당파 more translation dang pa
factional 당파의 more translation dang pa ui

Word of the day:
treaty · 조약

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