Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 281 - 315 of 1806
faultfinder 흠잡는 사람 more translation heum jap neun sa lam
faultfinding 흠잡기 more translation heum jap gi
faultless 과실이 없는 more translation gwa sil i eopt neun
faulty 결점이 있는 more translation gyeol jeom i it neun
fauna 동물군 more translation dong mul gun
faunae 동물군 more translation dong mul gun
fava 넙쩍 콩 neop jjeog kong
favor 호의 more translation ho ui
favorable 호의를 보이는 more translation ho ui leul bo i neun
favorably 호의를 가지고 more translation ho ui leul ga ji go
favored 선호되는, 좋아하는 seon ho doe neun joh a ha neun
favoring 형편에 맞는 hyeong pyeon e mat neun
favorite 가장 좋아하는 more translation ga jang joh a ha neun
favorite motto 좌우명 jwa u myeong
favoritism 편애 pyeon ae
favour 호의 more translation ho ui
favourable 호의를 보이는 more translation ho ui leul bo i neun
favourably 호의를 가지고 more translation ho ui leul ga ji go
favoured 선호되는 seon ho doe neun
favouring 형편에 맞는 hyeong pyeon e mat neun
favourite 마음에 드는 more translation ma eum e deu neun
favouritism 편애 pyeon ae
fawn 아기사슴 more translation a gi sa seum
fawning 아양부리는 a yang bu li neun
fax 팩스 more translation paek seu
fay 요정 more translation yo jeong
FBI 연방 수사국 yeon bang su sa guk
FDA 미국의 식품 의약품국 mi gug ui sik pum ui yak pum guk
fear 공포 more translation gong po
fearful 무서운 more translation mu seo un
fearfully 끔찍스럽게 more translation kkeum jjik seu leop ge
fearless 무서워하지 않는 more translation mu seo wo ha ji anh neun
fearlessly 두려움없이 more translation du lyeo um eops i
fearlessness 대담 dae dam
fearsome 무시무시한 more translation mu si mu si han

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vestige · 자취

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