Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 71 - 105 of 1806
failing 실패 more translation sil pae
faille 파유 pa yu
failure 실패 more translation sil pae
fain 기꺼이 gi kkeo i
faineant 게으른 more translation ge eu leun
faint 기절 more translation gi jeol
fainter 기절한 사람 gi jeol han sa lam
faintest 가장 흐릿한 more translation ga jang heu lit han
faintheart 겁쟁이 geop jaeng i
fainthearted 소심한 so sim han
faintheartedly 소심하게 so sim ha ge
fainting 기절 more translation gi jeol
faintly 희미하게 more translation hui mi ha ge
fair 공정한 more translation gong jeong han
fairground 박람회장 bak lam hoe jang
fairing 장에서 산 선물 more translation jang e seo san seon mul
fairly 공정히 more translation gong jeong hi
fairness 밝음 more translation balg eum
fairway 항로 hang lo
fairy 요정 more translation yo jeong
fairy tale 동화 dong hwa
fairyland 요정의 나라 more translation yo jeong ui na la
fairylike 요정같은 more translation yo jeong gat eun
fairytale 동화 같은 more translation dong hwa gat eun
faith 믿음 more translation mid eum
faithful 충실한 신도들 more translation chung sil han sin do deul
faithfully 충실히 more translation chung sil hi
faithfulness 충실 chung sil
faithless 신의가 없는 more translation sin ui ga eopt neun
fake 가짜 more translation ga jja
fake sickness 꾀병 kkoe byeong
faked 날조하는 more translation nal jo ha neun
faker 위조자 wi jo ja
faking 위조 more translation wi jo
fakir 고행자 go haeng ja

Word of the day:
diamagnetic · 반자성의

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