Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 141 - 175 of 1806
familiarity 능숙함 more translation neung suk ham
familiarization 친하게 함 chin ha ge ham
familiarize 친하게 하다 chin ha ge ha da
familiarized 익숙한 more translation ik suk han
familiarly 친하게 chin ha ge
family 가족 more translation ga jok
famine 기근 more translation gi geun
famish 굶주리게 하다 gulm ju li ge ha da
famished 굶주린 gulm ju lin
famous 유명한 more translation yu myeong han
famously 유명하게 more translation yu myeong ha ge
famuli 제자 je ja
famulus 제자 je ja
fan 부채 more translation bu chae
fanatic 열광자 more translation yeol gwang ja
fanatical 열광적인 more translation yeol gwang jeog in
fanatically 열광적으로 more translation yeol gwang jeog eu lo
fanaticism 열광 more translation yeol gwang
fancied 상상의 more translation sang sang ui
fancier 애호가 more translation ae ho ga
fanciful 상상적인 more translation sang sang jeog in
fancy 화려한 more translation hwa lyeo han
fancywork 수예 more translation su ye
fane 신전 sin jeon
fanfare 팡파르 pang pa leu
fanfaronade 허세 heo se
fang 송곳니 more translation song got ni
fanlight 부채꼴 채광창 bu chae kkol chae gwang chang
fanner 부채질 하는 사람 bu chae jil ha neun sa lam
fanny 엉덩이 eong deong i
fantail 부채 모양의 꼬리 more translation bu chae mo yang ui kko li
fantasia 환상곡 hwan sang gok
fantasize 환상에 빠지다 more translation hwan sang e ppa ji da
fantastic 공상적인 more translation gong sang jeog in
fantastical 공상적인 more translation gong sang jeog in

Word of the day:
filmmaker · 영화제작자

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