Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 1786 - 1806 of 1806
fusil 수발총 su bal chong
fusilier 수발총병 su bal chong byeong
fusillade 일제사격을 가하다 il je sa gyeog eul ga ha da
fusion 용해 more translation yong hae
fuss 흥분 more translation heung bun
fussed 몸달아 설치는 more translation mom dal a seol chi neun
fussy 까다로운 more translation kka da lo un
fustian 과장한 말 gwa jang han mal
fustigate 몽둥이로 때리다 mong dung i lo ttae li da
fusty 곰팡내 나는 gom pang nae na neun
futile 결실이 없는 more translation gyeol sil i eopt neun
future 미래 more translation mi lae
futureless 미래가 없는 more translation mi lae ga eopt neun
futurism 미래파 mi lae pa
futurist 미래파 예술가 more translation mi lae pa ye sul ga
futurity 미래 more translation mi lae
futurology 미래학 mi lae hak
fuze 퓨즈 more translation pyu jeu
fuzz 잔털 more translation jan teol
fuzzbuzz 야단법석 ya dan beop seok
fuzzy 보풀이 있는 more translation bo pul i it neun

Word of the day:
shut · 감다

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