Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 1 - 35 of 445
nab 붙잡다 but jap da
nabob 인도 태수 in do tae su
nacelle 엔진 실 more translation en jin sil
nacre 진주층 jin ju cheung
nacreous 진주층의 jin ju cheung ui
nadir 최하점 choe ha jeom
naevus jeom
nag 잔소리하다 more translation jan so li ha da
nagger 잔소리가 심한 여자 jan so li ga sim han yeo ja
nagging 잔소리 more translation jan so li
naggingly 귀찮게 gwi chanh ge
naiad 수신 su sin
nail 손톱 more translation son top
nailer 못 제조업자 more translation mos je jo eop ja
nailery 못 제조소 mos je jo so
nailing 못박는 more translation mot bak neun
naive 소박한 more translation so bak han
naively 천진하게 more translation cheon jin ha ge
naivety 천진난만함 more translation cheon jin nan man ham
naked 벌거벗은 more translation beol geo beos eun
nakedly 알몸으로 more translation al mom eu lo
nakedness 벌거숭이 more translation beol geo sung i
name 이름 more translation i leum
name card 명함 myeong ham
name plate 이름표 i leum pyo
named 불리는 more translation bul li neun
nameless 무명의 more translation mu myeong ui
namelessly 이름없이 more translation i leum eops i
namely more translation jeuk
nameplate 명찰 more translation myeong chal
namesake 이름을 딴 사람 i leum eul ttan sa lam
nanny 애보기 more translation ae bo gi
nap 낮잠 more translation nat jam
nape 목뒤쪽 more translation mok dwi jjok
naphtha 나프타 na peu ta

Word of the day:
trip · 여행

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