Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 421 - 445 of 445
nurturer 보육자 more translation bo yuk ja
nurturing 돌보기 more translation dol bo gi
nut 견과류 more translation gyeon gwa lyu
nutbrown 밤색의 more translation bam saeg ui
nutcracker 호두 까는 기구 ho du kka neun gi gu
nuthatch 동고비 dong go bi
nutlet 작은 견과 jag eun gyeon gwa
nutmeg 너트메그 neo teu me geu
nutria 뉴트리아 more translation nyu teu li a
nutrient 영양소 more translation yeong yang so
nutriment 자양물 ja yang mul
nutrition 영양 more translation yeong yang
nutritional 영양을 공급하는 more translation yeong yang eul gong geup ha neun
nutritionally 영양적으로 yeong yang jeog eu lo
nutritionist 영양학자 yeong yang hak ja
nutritious 영양가가 높은 more translation yeong yang ga ga nop eun
nutritiously 영양적으로 more translation yeong yang jeog eu lo
nutritive 자양분이 있는 more translation ja yang bun i it neun
nuts 미친 mi chin
nutshell 견과의 껍질 gyeon gwa ui kkeop jil
nutty 견과의 more translation gyeon gwa ui
nuzzle 코로 비비다 ko lo bi bi da
nyctalopia 야맹증 ya maeng jeung
nylon 나일론 na il lon
nymph 요정 yo jeong

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