Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 176 - 210 of 1806
fantasticality 공상적임 gong sang jeog im
fantastically 환상적으로 more translation hwan sang jeog eu lo
fantasy 공상 more translation gong sang
faquir 고행자 go haeng ja
far more translation meon
faraway 멀리 떨어진 more translation meol li tteol eo jin
farce 풍자적인 희극 more translation pung ja jeog in hui geuk
farcical 익살맞은 more translation ik sal maj eun
farcy 마비저 ma bi jeo
fardel 다발 da bal
fare 운임 more translation un im
farewell 작별 more translation jak byeol
farfetched 억지의 more translation eok ji ui
farina 곡식 가루 gok sig ga lu
farinaceous 곡식 가루의 gok sig ga lu ui
farinose 가루 모양의 ga lu mo yang ui
farm 농장 more translation nong jang
farmer 농부 more translation nong bu
farmhand 농장 노동자 more translation nong jang no dong ja
farmhouse 농가 nong ga
farming 농사 nong sa
farmland 농토 nong to
farmstead 농장 nong jang
farmyard 농장 nong jang
faro 놀이 nol i
farouche 뚱한 ttung han
farraginous 긁어 모은 geulg eo mo eun
farrago 뒤섞어 놓은 것 dwi seokk eo noh eun geot
farrier 편자공 more translation pyeon ja gong
farriery 편자 more translation pyeon ja
farrow 분만 more translation bun man
farseeing 선견지명이 있는 more translation seon gyeon ji myeong i it neun
farsighted 원시의 more translation won si ui
fart 방귀 more translation bang gwi
farther 멀리 more translation meol li

Word of the day:
numbness · 감각이 없슴

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