Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 771 - 805 of 1806
flabbergasted 깜짝 놀라게 하는 kkam jjag nol la ge ha neun
flabbily 흐느적흐느적하게 heu neu jeok heu neu jeok ha ge
flabbiness 느슨함 more translation neu seun ham
flabby 흐느적흐느적한 more translation heu neu jeok heu neu jeok han
flaccid 흐늘흐늘한 more translation heu neul heu neul han
flag 깃발 more translation git bal
flagellant 채찍질하는 사람 chae jjik jil ha neun sa lam
flagellate 채찍질하다 chae jjik jil ha da
flagellation 채찍질 more translation chae jjik jil
flagellum 편모 pyeon mo
flagging 포석 포장 more translation po seog po jang
flagitious 극악무도한 geug ak mu do han
flagman 신호기수 sin ho gi su
flagon 목이 좁은 병 mog i job eun byeong
flagpole 깃대 git dae
flagrant 악명 높은 ak myeong nop eun
flagship 기함 more translation gi ham
flagstaff 깃대 git dae
flagstone 판석 pan seok
flail 도리깨 more translation do li kkae
flair 재능 more translation jae neung
flak 대공포 more translation dae gong po
flake 부스러기 more translation bu seu leo gi
flakiness 괴짜성 goe jja seong
flaky 벗겨지기 쉬운 more translation beot gyeo ji gi swi un
flam 꾸며낸 이야기 more translation kku myeo naen i ya gi
flambeau 횃불 hwaet bul
flambeaus 횃불 hwaet bul
flamboyance 화려함 more translation hwa lyeo ham
flamboyancy 화려함 more translation hwa lyeo ham
flamboyant 불타오르는 듯한 bul ta o leu neun deut han
flamboyantly 현란하게 more translation hyeon lan ha ge
flame 불꽃 more translation bul kkoc
flaming 불타는 more translation bul ta neun
flamingo 플라밍고 more translation peul la ming go

Word of the day:
guarantee · 보장

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