Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 806 - 840 of 1806
flammable 가연성의 more translation ga yeon seong ui
flamy 불꽃의 more translation bul kkoc ui
flange 플랜지 more translation peul laen ji
flank 옆구리 more translation yeop gu li
flanker 측면 보루 more translation cheuk myeon bo lu
flanking 측면공격 more translation cheuk myeon gong gyeok
flannel 플란넬 peul lan nel
flap 펄럭거림 more translation peol leok geo lim
flapdoodle 터무니없는 말 teo mu ni eopt neun mal
flapjack 핫케이크류의 과자 more translation hat ke i keu lyu ui gwa ja
flapper 가볍게 치는 사람 more translation ga byeop ge chi neun sa lam
flare 타오르다 more translation ta o leu da
flaring 활활 타는 more translation hwal hwal ta neun
flash 번쩍이다 more translation beon jjeog i da
flashback 재현 jae hyeon
flashbulb 섬광 전구 seom gwang jeon gu
flashily 지나치도록 화려하게 ji na chi do log hwa lyeo ha ge
flashing 깜빡거림 kkam ppak geo lim
flashlight 섬광 more translation seom gwang
flashy 일시적으로 화려한 more translation il si jeog eu lo hwa lyeo han
flask 플라스크 peul la seu keu
flasket 작은 플라스크 more translation jag eun peul la seu keu
flat 평평한 more translation pyeong pyeong han
flatboat 평저선 pyeong jeo seon
flatcar 무개 화차 mu gae hwa cha
flatfish 가자미 more translation ga ja mi
flatfoot 평발 pyeong bal
flatfooted 평발의 more translation pyeong bal ui
flatheat 양태 yang tae
flatiron 아이언 a i eon
flatlet 작은 플랫 jag eun peul laet
flatly 평평하게 more translation pyeong pyeong ha ge
flatness 평탄 pyeong tan
flatten 평평하게 하다 more translation pyeong pyeong ha ge ha da
flattened 평평하게 하는 more translation pyeong pyeong ha ge ha neun

Word of the day:
seem · ...처럼 보이다

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