Translation of “flat” in Korean

12 translation entries available
English flat
Type noun
Korean 아파트
Pronunciation a pa teu
English flat
Type noun
Korean 평면
Pronunciation pyeong myeon
English flat
Type noun
Korean 평지
Pronunciation pyeong ji
English flat
Type noun
Korean 반음 낮은 음
Pronunciation ban eum naj eun eum
English flat
Type adjective
Korean 평평한
Pronunciation pyeong pyeong han
English flat
Type adjective
Korean 바람빠진
Pronunciation ba lam ppa jin
English flat
Type adjective
Korean 전적으로
Pronunciation jeon jeog eu lo
English flat
Type adjective
Korean 길게 들어누운
Pronunciation gil ge deul eo nu un
English flat
Type adverb
Korean 평평하게
Pronunciation pyeong pyeong ha ge
English flat
Type adverb
Korean 단호하게
Pronunciation dan ho ha ge
English flat
Type adverb
Korean 정확하게
Pronunciation jeong hwak ha ge
English flat
Type adverb
Korean 반음낮게
Pronunciation ban eum nat ge

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