Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 666 - 700 of 1806
fire more translation bul
fire station 소방서 so bang seo
firearm 화기 hwa gi
firearms 화기 more translation hwa gi
fireball 불덩어리 more translation bul deong eo li
firebomb 소이탄 so i tan
firebrick 내화 벽돌 nae hwa byeok dol
firebug 방화광 more translation bang hwa gwang
firecracker 폭죽 pok juk
fired 해고된 hae go doen
fireflies 개똥벌레 more translation gae ttong beol le
firefly 반딧불 more translation ban dit bul
fireguard 화재 감시인 more translation hwa jae gam si in
firelight 불빛 bul bic
firelighter 불쏘시개 bul sso si gae
firelit 불빛의 more translation bul bic ui
firelock 화승총 hwa seung chong
fireman 소방수 so bang su
fireplace 벽난로 more translation byeok nan lo
fireplug 소화전 so hwa jeon
fireproof 방화의 more translation bang hwa ui
fireside 난로가 more translation nan lo ga
firewood 장작 jang jak
firework 불꽃 bul kkoc
fireworks 불꽃 more translation bul kkoc
firing 해고 more translation hae go
firm 견고한 more translation gyeon go han
firmament 창공 chang gong
firmly 안정되게 more translation an jeong doe ge
firmness 안정성 more translation an jeong seong
firry 전나무의 jeon na mu ui
first 첫째 more translation cheot jjae
first aid 응급처치 eung geup cheo chi
first lady 영부인 yeong bu in
First World War 제1차 세계대전 je cha se gye dae jeon

Word of the day:
naive · 천진한

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