Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 421 - 455 of 1806
ferocious 사나운 more translation sa na un
ferociously 사납게 more translation sa nap ge
ferociousness 사나움 more translation sa na um
ferocity 사나움 more translation sa na um
ferrate 철산염 cheol san yeom
ferreous 철의 more translation cheol ui
ferret 흰족제비 more translation huin jok je bi
ferriage 도선업 do seon eop
ferriferous 철이 나는 cheol i na neun
ferrite 아철산염 more translation a cheol san yeom
ferroconcrete 철근콘크리트 cheol geun kon keu li teu
ferrotype 광택 사진 gwang taeg sa jin
ferruginous 철분을 함유하는 cheol bun eul ham yu ha neun
ferrule 물미 mul mi
ferry 나룻배 more translation na lut bae
ferryboat 나룻배 na lut bae
ferryman 나룻배 업자 na lut bae eop ja
fertile 기름진 more translation gi leum jin
fertility 비옥함 more translation bi ok ham
fertilization 임신시킴 more translation im sin si kim
fertilize 수태시키다 more translation su tae si ki da
fertilizer 비료 bi lyo
fertilizers 비료 bi lyo
fertilizing 비옥하게 하는 more translation bi ok ha ge ha neun
ferule 나무막대기 more translation na mu mak dae gi
fervency 열렬 yeol lyeol
fervent 뜨거운 more translation tteu geo un
fervid 타오르는 듯한 ta o leu neun deut han
fervor 열렬 more translation yeol lyeol
fervour 열렬 more translation yeol lyeol
fescue 교편 gyo pyeon
fest 축제 chuk je
festal 축제의 more translation chuk je ui
fester 궤양 more translation gwe yang
festival 제전 more translation je jeon

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