Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 351 - 385 of 1806
federative 연합의 more translation yeon hab ui
fee 요금 more translation yo geum
feeble 연약한 more translation yeon yak han
feebleminded 정신박약의 more translation jeong sin bag yag ui
feeblemindedness 어리석음 eo li seog eum
feebleness 연약함 yeon yak ham
feebly 연약하게 more translation yeon yak ha ge
feed 먹이다 more translation meog i da
feedback 반응 ban eung
feeding 영양 섭취 more translation yeong yang seop chwi
feeds 먹을 것을 주다 more translation meog eul geos eul ju da
feedstuff 사료 sa lyo
feel 느끼다 more translation neu kki da
feeler 더듬이 more translation deo deum i
feeling 느낌 more translation neu kkim
feelingly 감정을 담아 gam jeong eul dam a
feelings 감정 gam jeong
feeze 격돌 more translation gyeok dol
feign ...을 가장하다 more translation eul ga jang ha da
feigned 거짓의 more translation geo jis ui
feigned illness 꾀병 kkoe byeong
feigningly 꾸며서 kku myeo seo
feint 가장 ga jang
feldspar 장석 jang seok
felicitate 축하하다 chuk ha ha da
felicitation 축하 chuk ha
felicitous 교묘한 more translation gyo myo han
felicitously 경사스럽게 gyeong sa seu leop ge
felicity 행복 more translation haeng bok
feline 고양이 같은 go yang i gat eun
fell 벌목량 more translation beol mok lyang
felled 쓰러지는 sseu leo ji neun
felling 벌채 more translation beol chae
felloe 모피점 mo pi jeom
fellow 동료 more translation dong lyo

Word of the day:
towhead · 아마색머리털

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