Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 491 - 525 of 1806
fewer more translation deol
fewness 소수 so su
fey 이상한 more translation i sang han
fiance 약혼자 yak hon ja
fiancee 약혼녀 yak hon nyeo
fiasco 완패 more translation wan pae
fiat 명령 more translation myeong lyeong
fib 사소한 거짓말 more translation sa so han geo jit mal
fiber 섬유질 more translation seom yu jil
fiberglass 섬유유리물질 seom yu yu li mul jil
fibr 섬유 seom yu
fibre 섬유 more translation seom yu
fibred 섬유질의 seom yu jil ui
fibriform 섬유 모양의 seom yu mo yang ui
fibril 소 섬유 more translation so seom yu
fibrilla 수염뿌리 su yeom ppu li
fibrillar 소 섬유의 more translation so seom yu ui
fibrillation 섬유성 연축 seom yu seong yeon chuk
fibrin 섬유소 seom yu so
fibrinous 섬유소의 more translation seom yu so ui
fibroid 섬유성의 seom yu seong ui
fibroin 피브로인 pi beu lo in
fibroma 섬유종 seom yu jong
fibrosis 섬유증 seom yu jeung
fibrous 섬유의 more translation seom yu ui
fibula 비골 more translation bi gol
fickle 변하기 쉬운 byeon ha gi swi un
fickleness 변하기 쉬성 more translation byeon ha gi swi seong
fictile 가소성의 ga so seong ui
fiction 소설 so seol
fictional 꾸며낸 more translation kku myeo naen
fictitious 창작적인 more translation chang jak jeog in
fictive 가공적인 more translation ga gong jeog in
fid 버팀대 more translation beo tim dae
fiddle 바이올린 more translation ba i ol lin

Word of the day:
uniformity · 한결같음

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