Translation of “flow” in Korean

8 translation entries available
English flow
Type noun
Korean 흐름
Pronunciation heu leum
English flow
Type noun
Korean 액체의 흐름
Pronunciation aek che ui heu leum
English flow
Type noun
Korean 흐르는 것
Pronunciation heu leu neun geot
English flow
Type noun
Korean 안정된 진행
Pronunciation an jeong doen jin haeng
English flow
Type verb
Korean 유유히 흐르다
Pronunciation yu yu hi heu leu da
English flow
Type verb
Korean 척 늘어지다
Pronunciation cheog neul eo ji da
English flow
Type verb
Korean 흘러넘치다
Pronunciation heul leo neom chi da
English flow
Type verb
Korean 솟아나다
Pronunciation sos a na da

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