Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 281 - 315 of 947
weaponry 무기류 mu gi lyu
wear 입다 more translation ip da
wearable 착용할 수 있는 chag yong hal su it neun
wearer 착용자 more translation chag yong ja
weariful 피곤하게 하는 more translation pi gon ha ge ha neun
weariless 피곤을 모르는 pi gon eul mo leu neun
wearily 지치게 ji chi ge
weariness 싫증 more translation silh jeung
wearing 착용 more translation chag yong
wearisome 피곤하게 하는 more translation pi gon ha ge ha neun
wearproof 닳아 없어지지 않는 dalh a eops eo ji ji anh neun
weary 지치게 하다 more translation ji chi ge ha da
wearying 지친 more translation ji chin
wearyingly 싫증나게 more translation silh jeung na ge
weasel 족제비 more translation jok je bi
weather 날씨 more translation nal ssi
weatherboard 비막이 판자 bi mag i pan ja
weathercock 바람개비 more translation ba lam gae bi
weathered 풍화된 pung hwa doen
weatherglass 기압계 gi ap gye
weathering 풍화 more translation pung hwa
weatherproof 비바람에 견디는 bi ba lam e gyeon di neun
weatherstrip 틈마개 teum ma gae
weathervane 변덕꾸러기 byeon deok kku leo gi
weatherworn 비바람에 상한 bi ba lam e sang han
weave 짜기 more translation jja gi
weaver 짜는 사람 more translation jja neun sa lam
weaving 짜기 more translation jja gi
web 편물 more translation pyeon mul
webbed 물갈퀴가 달린 more translation mul gal kwi ga dal lin
webbing 가죽 끈 more translation ga jug kkeun
webfoot 물갈퀴발 mul gal kwi bal
webfooted 물갈퀴발인 mul gal kwi bal in
wed 결혼하다 more translation gyeol hon ha da
wedded 결혼한 more translation gyeol hon han

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firebug · 방화범

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