Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 71 - 105 of 947
walnut 호두나무 more translation ho du na mu
walrus 해마 hae ma
waltz 왈츠 more translation wal cheu
wamble 꾸르륵거림 more translation kku leu leuk geo lim
wampum 조가비 구슬 jo ga bi gu seul
wan 핏기 없는 more translation pit gi eopt neun
wand 지팡이 more translation ji pang i
wander 방랑하다 more translation bang lang ha da
wanderer 뜨내기 more translation tteu nae gi
wandering 방랑 more translation bang lang
wanderingly 방랑하며 more translation bang lang ha myeo
wanderings 여행 more translation yeo haeng
wanderjahr 긴 여행 기간 more translation gin yeo haeng gi gan
wanderlust 여행벽 yeo haeng byeok
wane 이지러짐 more translation i ji leo jim
wangle 책략 more translation chaek lyak
waning 침울한 more translation chim ul han
wannabe 열렬한 팬 more translation yeol lyeol han paen
wanness 지쳐보임 more translation ji chyeo bo im
want 원하다 more translation won ha da
wantage 부족 bu jok
wanted 요구된 more translation yo gu doen
wanting 부족한 more translation bu jok han
wanton 바람둥이 more translation ba lam dung i
wantonly 방자하게 bang ja ha ge
wapiti 큰사슴 keun sa seum
war 전쟁 more translation jeon jaeng
warble 지저귐 more translation ji jeo gwim
warbler 지저귀는 새 more translation ji jeo gwi neun sae
ward 병동 more translation byeong dong
warden 간수 more translation gan su
warder 간수 more translation gan su
wardress 여교도관 yeo gyo do gwan
wardrobe 옷장 ot jang
wardroom 고급 사관실 go geub sa gwan sil

Word of the day:
boots · 부츠

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