Translation of “wanton” in Korean

11 translation entries available
English wanton
Type noun
Korean 바람둥이
Pronunciation ba lam dung i
English wanton
Type noun
Korean 까부는 사람
Pronunciation kka bu neun sa lam
English wanton
Type noun
Korean 응석받이
Pronunciation eung seok bad i
English wanton
Type verb
Korean 뛰어 돌아다니다
Pronunciation ttwi eo dol a da ni da
English wanton
Type verb
Korean 장난치다
Pronunciation jang nan chi da
English wanton
Type verb
Korean 까불다
Pronunciation kka bul da
English wanton
Type verb
Korean 무성하게 자라다
Pronunciation mu seong ha ge ja la da
English wanton
Type adjective
Korean 심술궂은
Pronunciation sim sul guj eun
English wanton
Type adjective
Korean 독단적인
Pronunciation dok dan jeog in
English wanton
Type adjective
Korean 부도덕한
Pronunciation bu do deok han
English wanton
Type adjective
Korean 방종의
Pronunciation bang jong ui

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