Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 176 - 210 of 947
waspish 말벌 같은 more translation mal beol gat eun
waspy 말벌 같은 more translation mal beol gat eun
wassail 주연 more translation ju yeon
wastage 소모 more translation so mo
waste 낭비 more translation nang bi
wastebasket 쓰레기통 sseu le gi tong
wasted 낭비된 more translation nang bi doen
wasteful 낭비적인 more translation nang bi jeog in
wastefully 낭비적으로 nang bi jeog eu lo
wasteland 불모지 more translation bul mo ji
wastepaper 휴지 hyu ji
waster 낭비자 more translation nang bi ja
wasting 황폐하게 하는 more translation hwang pye ha ge ha neun
wastrel 낭비자 more translation nang bi ja
watch 지켜보다 more translation ji kyeo bo da
watchband 손목 시계줄 son mog si gye jul
watchbox 초소 cho so
watchdog 경비개 gyeong bi gae
watcher 망 보는 사람 more translation mang bo neun sa lam
watchfire 모닥불 mo dak bul
watchful 주의 깊은 more translation ju ui gip eun
watchfully 조심스럽게 more translation jo sim seu leop ge
watchfulness 신중성 sin jung seong
watching 지켜보기 more translation ji kyeo bo gi
watchman 보초 bo cho
watchtower 망대 more translation mang dae
watchword 암호 am ho
water more translation mul
water lily 수련 su lyeon
waterage 수상 수송 su sang su song
waterbed 물침대 mul chim dae
watercolor 수채화 물감 more translation su chae hwa mul gam
watercolour 수채화 물감으로 그린 more translation su chae hwa mul gam eu lo geu lin
watercourse 물줄기 more translation mul jul gi
watercress 물냉이 mul naeng i

Word of the day:
feasible · 실행할 수 있는

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