Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 246 - 280 of 947
wavering 흔들리는 more translation heun deul li neun
wavily 물결치듯이 more translation mul gyeol chi deus i
waviness 물결침 mul gyeol chim
waving 요동치기 more translation yo dong chi gi
wavy 물결모양의 more translation mul gyeol mo yang ui
wax 밀랍 more translation mil lap
waxen 초로 만든 more translation cho lo man deun
waxlike 왁스와 같은 more translation wak seu wa gat eun
waxwork 밀랍 인형 mil lab in hyeong
waxy 밀랍의, 밀랍같은 more translation mil lab ui mil lap gat eun
way 방법 more translation bang beop
waybill 승객 명부 more translation seung gaeg myeong bu
wayfarer 여행자 more translation yeo haeng ja
wayfaring 도보 여행 more translation do bo yeo haeng
waylay 매복하다 more translation mae bok ha da
wayside 길가 more translation gil ga
wayward 고집불통의 more translation go jip bul tong ui
we 우리 u li
weak 약한 more translation yak han
weaken 약화시키다 more translation yak hwa si ki da
weakened 약하게 된 more translation yak ha ge doen
weakening 약화된 상태 more translation yak hwa doen sang tae
weakhearted 마음이 여린 ma eum i yeo lin
weakling 허약자 more translation heo yak ja
weakly 약한 more translation yak han
weakness 약함 more translation yak ham
weal 복리 more translation bok li
weald 삼림지대 more translation sam lim ji dae
wealth more translation bu
wealthiness 풍부함 pung bu ham
wealthy 부유한 more translation bu yu han
weaning 이유 i yu
weanling 젖을 뗀지 얼마 안 되는 jeoj eul tten ji eol ma an doe neun
weapon 무기 mu gi
weaponless 무기가 없는 mu gi ga eopt neun

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