Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 36 - 70 of 947
waistcoat 양복 조끼 yang bog jo kki
waistline 허리선 heo li seon
wait 기다리다 more translation gi da li da
waiter 웨이터 more translation we i teo
waiting 기다리는 more translation gi da li neun
waitress 웨이트리스 more translation we i teu li seu
waive 철회하다 more translation cheol hoe ha da
waiver 기권 more translation gi gwon
wake 깨다 more translation kkae da
Wake up 정신차려 more translation jeong sin cha lyeo
wakeful 깨어 있는 more translation kkae eo it neun
wakefulness 잠이 오지 않음 more translation jam i o ji anh eum
wakeless 깊이 잠든 gip i jam deun
waken 잠에서 깨다 more translation jam e seo kkae da
wakening 잠에서 깸 jam e seo kkaem
waking 깨어 있는 more translation kkae eo it neun
wale 채찍 자국 more translation chae jjig ja guk
walk 걷다 more translation geot da
walkaway 낙승 nak seung
walker 보행자 more translation bo haeng ja
walking 걷기 more translation geot gi
walkout 동맹 파업 more translation dong maeng pa eop
walkover 쉬은 승리 swi eun seung li
walkway 보도 bo do
wall more translation byeok
Walla 사람 sa lam
walled 벽으로 둘러싸인 more translation byeog eu lo dul leo ssa in
wallet 지갑 ji gap
wallflower 향꽃장대 hyang kkoc jang dae
wallop 구타 more translation gu ta
walloper 구타하는 사람 more translation gu ta ha neun sa lam
walloping 육중한 more translation yuk jung han
wallow 뒹굴기 more translation dwing gul gi
wallpaper 벽지 more translation byeok ji
wallpapered 벽지를 바른 byeok ji leul ba leun

Word of the day:
sleekily · 매끄럽게

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