Translation of “wear” in Korean

9 translation entries available
English wear
Type noun
Korean 의복
Pronunciation ui bok
English wear
Type noun
Korean 침식
Pronunciation chim sik
English wear
Type noun
Korean 마모
Pronunciation ma mo
English wear
Type verb
Korean 입다
Pronunciation ip da
Wear a shirt.
셔츠를 입으세요.
English wear
Type verb
Korean 신다
Pronunciation sin da
Wear your shoes.
장갑을 끼세요.
English wear
Type verb
Korean 끼다
Pronunciation kki da
Wear a glove.
장갑을 끼세요.
English wear
Type verb
Korean 닳아 빠지다
Pronunciation dalh a ppa ji da
English wear
Type verb
Korean 지치다
Pronunciation ji chi da
English wear
Type verb
Korean 끝나다
Pronunciation kkeut na da

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