Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 281 - 315 of 1428
thwart 방해하는 행동 more translation bang hae ha neun haeng dong
thwarting 훼방놓기 more translation hwe bang noh gi
thy 당신의 dang sin ui
thyme 백리향 baek li hyang
thyroid 갑상선 more translation gap sang seon
thyrsus 밀추 화서 mil chu hwa seo
tiara 고대 페르시아인의 관 more translation go dae pe leu si a in ui gwan
Tiberias 티베리아 ti be li a
tibia 경골 more translation gyeong gol
tic 안면근육의 경련 an myeon geun yug ui gyeong lyeon
tick 똑딱소리 more translation ttok ttak so li
ticker 똑딱똑딱 소리내는 것 more translation ttok ttak ttok ttag so li nae neun geot
ticket more translation pyo
ticket booth 매표소 mae pyo so
ticket office 매표소 mae pyo so
ticking 똑딱거림 ttok ttak geo lim
tickle 간지럼 more translation gan ji leom
tickler 간질이는 사람 more translation gan jil i neun sa lam
tickling 간지럼 gan ji leom
ticklish 간지럼을 타는 more translation gan ji leom eul ta neun
ticklishly 간지럽게 more translation gan ji leop ge
ticklishness 간지러움 more translation gan ji leo um
tidal 조수의 jo su ui
tidbit 재미있는 뉴스 more translation jae mi it neun nyu seu
tiddler 작은 물고기 more translation jag eun mul go gi
tide 조수 more translation jo su
tidily 깨끗하게 more translation kkae kkeut ha ge
tidiness 깨끗함 kkae kkeut ham
tidings 기별 more translation gi byeol
tidy 의자의 등 커버 more translation ui ja ui deung keo beo
tie 묶다 more translation muk da
tied 묶인 more translation mukk in
tiepin 넥타이핀 nek ta i pin
tier more translation cheung
tierce 제삼의 방위 자세 more translation je sam ui bang wi ja se

Word of the day:
contain · 들어있다

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