Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 1401 - 1428 of 1428
typesetting 식자 more translation sik ja
typewrite 타이프라이터로 치다 more translation ta i peu la i teo lo chi da
typewriter 타자기 ta ja gi
typhlitis 맹장염 maeng jang yeom
typhoid 장티푸스 열 more translation jang ti pu seu yeol
typhoon 태풍 tae pung
typhous 발진티푸스의 more translation bal jin ti pu seu ui
typical 전형적인 more translation jeon hyeong jeog in
typically 전형적으로 jeon hyeong jeog eu lo
typing 글자를 쳐넣기 more translation geul ja leul chyeo neoh gi
typist 타이피스트 ta i pi seu teu
typo 인쇄공 more translation in swae gong
typographer 활판기술자 more translation hwal pan gi sul ja
typographic 인쇄상의 in swae sang ui
typography 활판인쇄술 more translation hwal pan in swae sul
typology 예표론 more translation ye pyo lon
tyrannical 전제군주적인 more translation jeon je gun ju jeog in
tyrannically 강압적으로 more translation gang ap jeog eu lo
tyrannicide 폭군살해 more translation pok gun sal hae
tyrannize 학정을 하다 hak jeong eul ha da
tyrannosaur 티라노사우루스 ti la no sa u lu seu
tyrannous 전제군주적인 more translation jeon je gun ju jeog in
tyranny 전제정치 more translation jeon je jeong chi
tyrant 폭군 more translation pok gun
tyre 타이어 more translation ta i eo
tyro 초심자 cho sim ja
tzar 황제 more translation hwang je
tzetze 쳇체 파리 chet che pa li

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