Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 1366 - 1400 of 1428
twentyfourmo 이십사절판 more translation i sip sa jeol pan
twerp 시시한 놈 si si han nom
twice 두번 more translation du beon
twiddle 돌리다 more translation dol li da
twig 작은 가지 more translation jag eun ga ji
twiggy 잔가지의 more translation jan ga ji ui
twilight 어스름 more translation eo seu leum
twill 능직 more translation neung jik
twin 쌍동이 more translation ssang dong i
twine 꼰 실 more translation kkon sil
twiner 꼬는 사람 more translation kko neun sa lam
twinge 순간적으로 쑤시다 sun gan jeog eu lo ssu si da
twinkle 반짝거림 more translation ban jjak geo lim
twinkling 반짝임 more translation ban jjag im
twins 쌍둥이자리 ssang dung i ja li
twirl 빠른회전 more translation ppa leun hoe jeon
twist 비틀다 more translation bi teul da
twisted 꼬인 more translation kko in
twister 비틀어진 사람 more translation bi teul eo jin sa lam
twisting 감김 more translation gam gim
twistingly 꼬이게 more translation kko i ge
twit 꾸짖다 more translation kku jit da
twitch 홱 잡아당김 more translation hwaeg jab a dang gim
twitchingly 휙 잡아당겨 hwig jab a dang gyeo
twite 흥방울새의 일종 heung bang ul sae ui il jong
twitter 재잘재잘 말하기 more translation jae jal jae jal mal ha gi
twittering 짹짹 우는 소리 more translation jjaek jjaeg u neun so li
two more translation i
twofold 두부분의 more translation du bu bun ui
tycoon 대군 more translation dae gun
tyke 아이 more translation a i
tympanum 중이 more translation jung i
type 종류 more translation jong lyu
typecast 주조하다 ju jo ha da
typesetter 식자공 more translation sik ja gong

Word of the day:
unemployed · 현재 사용되지 않는

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