Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 316 - 350 of 1428
tiercel 수매 su mae
tiered 층층의 cheung cheung ui
tiff 점심 more translation jeom sim
tiffin 점심 more translation jeom sim
tig 술래잡기 more translation sul lae jap gi
tiger 호랑이 more translation ho lang i
tigerish 호랑이 같은 more translation ho lang i gat eun
tight 꼭맞는 more translation kkok mat neun
tighten 팽팽히 당기다 more translation paeng paeng hi dang gi da
tightening 꽉매기 more translation kkwak mae gi
tightfisted 인색하게 in saek ha ge
tightly 단단히 dan dan hi
tightness more translation him
tightrope 팽팽한 줄 more translation paeng paeng han jul
tights 몸에 꽉 끼는 옷 mom e kkwag kki neun ot
tightwad 구두쇠 gu du soe
tigress 암호랑이 more translation am ho lang i
tigrish 호랑이 같은 ho lang i gat eun
tike 아견 more translation a gyeon
tilbury 지붕이 없는 이 륜마차 ji bung i eopt neun i lyun ma cha
tile 기와 more translation gi wa
tilery 기와 공장 gi wa gong jang
tiling 기와 이기 more translation gi wa i gi
till 돈 서랍 more translation don seo lap
tillable 갈 수 있는 gal su it neun
tillage 경작 gyeong jak
tiller 경작자 more translation gyeong jak ja
tilt 기울다 more translation gi ul da
tilth 경작 gyeong jak
timber 목재 more translation mok jae
timber land 삼림지 sam lim ji
timber yard 목재 저장소 mok jae jeo jang so
timbered 목조의 more translation mok jo ui
timbering 건축 용재 more translation geon chug yong jae
timbre 음색 eum saek

Word of the day:
seeming · 겉으로의

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