Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 106 - 140 of 1428
they've 그들은 가지고 있다 geu deul eun ga ji go it da
thick 두꺼운 more translation du kkeo un
thicken 두껍게 하다 more translation du kkeop ge ha da
thickener 두껍게 만드는 것 more translation du kkeop ge man deu neun geot
thickening 두껍게 함 more translation du kkeop ge ham
thicket 덤불 deom bul
thickhead 얼간이 eol gan i
thickheaded 머리가 둔한 meo li ga dun han
thickly 두껍게 more translation du kkeop ge
thickness 두께 more translation du kke
thickset 견고한 more translation gyeon go han
thickskinned 피부가 두꺼운 more translation pi bu ga du kkeo un
thickskulled 머리가 둔한 meo li ga dun han
thief 도둑 more translation do duk
thieve 훔치다 hum chi da
thievery 도둑질 more translation do duk jil
thievish 훔치는 버릇이 있는 more translation hum chi neun beo leus i it neun
thigh 허벅지 more translation heo beok ji
thighbone 대퇴골 dae toe gol
thill 끌채 kkeul chae
thimble 골무 gol mu
thimbleful 극소량 geuk so lyang
thin 얇은 more translation yalb eun
thin ice 살얼음 sal eol eum
thing more translation geot
things 물질 more translation mul jil
think 생각하다 more translation saeng gak ha da
thinkable 생각할 수 있는 more translation saeng gak hal su it neun
thinkably 상상할 수 있게 more translation sang sang hal su it ge
thinker 사상가 more translation sa sang ga
thinking 생각함 more translation saeng gak ham
thinking power 사고력 sa go lyeok
thinly 얇게 more translation yalp ge
thinness 얇음 more translation yalb eum
third 세번째 more translation se beon jjae

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abidance · 거주

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