Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 176 - 210 of 1428
thought 사고 more translation sa go
thoughtful 생각이 깊은 more translation saeng gag i gip eun
thoughtfully 사려깊게 more translation sa lyeo gip ge
thoughtfulness 사려깊음 more translation sa lyeo gip eum
thoughtless 생각이 없는 more translation saeng gag i eopt neun
thoughtlessly 부주의하게 more translation bu ju ui ha ge
thoughtlessness 충동적임 more translation chung dong jeog im
thousand more translation cheon
thousandfold 천배로 more translation cheon bae lo
thousandth 천번째의 것 more translation cheon beon jjae ui geot
thraldom 노예의 신분 more translation no ye ui sin bun
thrall 노예 more translation no ye
thrash 매질하다 more translation mae jil ha da
thrasher 채찍질하는 사람 more translation chae jjik jil ha neun sa lam
thrashing 채찍질 more translation chae jjik jil
thrasonical 자랑하는 ja lang ha neun
thread more translation sil
threadbare 닳은 more translation dalh eun
threader 실 꿰는 도구 more translation sil kkwe neun do gu
threadlike 실 같은 more translation sil gat eun
thready 실 같은 more translation sil gat eun
threat 위협 more translation wi hyeop
threaten 위협하다 more translation wi hyeop ha da
threatened 위협받는 more translation wi hyeop bat neun
threatening 위협적인 more translation wi hyeop jeog in
threateningly 위협적으로 wi hyeop jeog eu lo
three more translation sam
threefold 세배로 se bae lo
threescore 육십의 yuk sib ui
threesome 삼인조 more translation sam in jo
thremmatology 양식학 more translation yang sik hak
threnody 비가 bi ga
thresh 도리깨질하다 more translation do li kkae jil ha da
thresher 탈곡기 tal gok gi
threshing 타작 ta jak

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renewal · 갱신

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