Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 211 - 245 of 1428
threshold 문지방 more translation mun ji bang
thrice 세 번 more translation se beon
thrift 절약 jeol yak
thriftily 절약하여 more translation jeol yak ha yeo
thriftiness 검소함 more translation geom so ham
thrifty 절약하는 more translation jeol yak ha neun
thrill 스릴 more translation seu lil
thriller 스릴물 more translation seu lil mul
thrilling 오싹하게 하는 more translation o ssak ha ge ha neun
thrillingly 아슬아슬하게 more translation a seul a seul ha ge
thrive 번영하다 more translation beon yeong ha da
thriving 번영 beon yeong
thro 직행의 more translation jik haeng ui
throat 목구멍 mok gu meong
throatily 쉰목소리로 more translation swin mok so li lo
throaty 걸쭉한 소리를 내는 geol jjuk han so li leul nae neun
throb 진동 more translation jin dong
throbbing 동계 dong gye
throe 격통 more translation gyeok tong
throes 진통 jin tong
thrombosis 혈전증 hyeol jeon jeung
throne 왕위 wang wi
throng 군중 more translation gun jung
throstle 개똥지 빠귀의 일종 more translation gae ttong ji ppa gwi ui il jong
throttle 조절판 more translation jo jeol pan
through ...을 통해 more translation eul tong hae
throughly 완전히 more translation wan jeon hi
throughout 도처에 more translation do cheo e
throughway 직행고속도로 jik haeng go sok do lo
throw 던지다 more translation deon ji da
throwaway 광고지 gwang go ji
throwback 되던짐 more translation doe deon jim
thrower 던지는 사람 more translation deon ji neun sa lam
throwing 던지기 deon ji gi
throwster 명주실 꼬는 작공 more translation myeong ju sil kko neun jak gong

Word of the day:
undo · 취소하다

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