Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 1716 - 1750 of 1806
fundamentality 근본 more translation geun bon
fundamentally 근본적으로 more translation geun bon jeog eu lo
funded 자금을 대는 ja geum eul dae neun
funding 자금대기 more translation ja geum dae gi
fundraising 자금모금 ja geum mo geum
funds 자금 more translation ja geum
funeral 장례식 more translation jang lye sik
funeral service 장례식 jang lye sik
funereal 장송의 jang song ui
fungi 진균류 more translation jin gyun lyu
fungicidal 살균제의 sal gyun je ui
fungicide 살균제 sal gyun je
fungous 균성의 more translation gyun seong ui
fungus 진균류 jin gyun lyu
funicular 강삭 철도 gang sag cheol do
funiculus 삭조 sak jo
funk 고약한 냄새 more translation go yak han naem sae
funky 겁내는 more translation geop nae neun
funnel 깔대기 more translation kkal dae gi
funneled 중심으로 집중된 more translation jung sim eu lo jip jung doen
funneling 중심으로 모으기 more translation jung sim eu lo mo eu gi
funnelled 중심으로 집중된 more translation jung sim eu lo jip jung doen
funnelling 중심으로 모으기 more translation jung sim eu lo mo eu gi
funnily 재미있게 more translation jae mi it ge
funny 재미있는 more translation jae mi it neun
funnyman 코미디언 ko mi di eon
fur more translation teol
furbelow 옷단 장식 ot dan jang sik
furbish 닦다 dak da
furcate 두 갈래로 갈라지다 more translation du gal lae lo gal la ji da
furcation 분기 bun gi
furious 노하여 more translation no ha yeo
furiously 화가나서 more translation hwa ga na seo
furiousness 화냄 more translation hwa naem
furl 단단하게 말아올리다 more translation dan dan ha ge mal a ol li da

Word of the day:
revivalist · 신앙 부훙론자

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