Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 1436 - 1470 of 1806
frailty 깨지기 쉬움 more translation kkae ji gi swi um
frame more translation teul
framed 틀에 낀 more translation teul e kkin
frameless 틀이 없는 more translation teul i eopt neun
frames more translation teul
framework more translation teul
franc 프랑 peu lang
France 프랑스 peu lang seu
franchise 특권 more translation teuk gwon
franchiser 가맹점 ga maeng jeom
franchising 독점판매 more translation dok jeom pan mae
frank 솔직한 more translation sol jik han
Frankfurt 프랑크 푸르트 peu lang keu pu leu teu
frankfurter 소시지 so si ji
frankincense 유향 yu hyang
frankly 솔직히 sol jik hi
frankness 솔직함 more translation sol jik ham
frantic 광란의 more translation gwang lan ui
frantically 광란적으로 more translation gwang lan jeog eu lo
fraternal 형제의 more translation hyeong je ui
fraternise 형제애를 나누다 more translation hyeong je ae leul na nu da
fraternity 형제애 more translation hyeong je ae
fraternization 친화 chin hwa
fraternizing 친교하기 chin gyo ha gi
fratricidal 형제 살해의 hyeong je sal hae ui
fratricide 형제 살해 more translation hyeong je sal hae
fraud 사기 more translation sa gi
fraudulence 기만 more translation gi man
fraudulency 기만 more translation gi man
fraudulent 사기의 more translation sa gi ui
fraught 충만한 more translation chung man han
fray 싸움 more translation ssa um
fraying 닳아 해어짐 dalh a hae eo jim
frazil 결빙 gyeol bing
frazzle 닳아 해어짐 dalh a hae eo jim

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segregated · 분리된

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