Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 1506 - 1540 of 1806
French 프랑스말 more translation peu lang seu mal
french fries 감자 튀김 gam ja twi gim
Frenchman 프랑스사람 peu lang seu sa lam
frenetic 열광적인 yeol gwang jeog in
frenzied 열광적인 more translation yeol gwang jeog in
frenzy 격분 more translation gyeok bun
frequency 주파수 more translation ju pa su
frequent 빈번한 more translation bin beon han
frequentative 반복 표시의 ban bog pyo si ui
frequented 자주 오는 ja ju o neun
frequenter 자주 가는 사람 ja ju ga neun sa lam
frequently 자주 ja ju
fresh 상쾌한 more translation sang kwae han
fresh water 민물 min mul
freshen 새로이 힘을 북돋우다 more translation sae lo i him eul buk dod u da
freshening 생기를 불어넣기 more translation saeng gi leul bul eo neoh gi
fresher 신입생 sin ip saeng
freshet 민물의 흐름 more translation min mul ui heu leum
freshly 최근에 more translation choe geun e
freshman 신입생 more translation sin ip saeng
freshness 신선함 sin seon ham
freshwater 민물의 more translation min mul ui
fret 초조 more translation cho jo
fretful 불안해하는 more translation bul an hae ha neun
fretfully 짜증나게 more translation jja jeung na ge
fretfulness 짜증냄 jja jeung naem
fretwork 도림질 세공 more translation do lim jil se gong
Fri. 금요일 geum yo il
friability 부스러지기 쉬움 bu seu leo ji gi swi um
friable 부스러지기 쉬운 bu seu leo ji gi swi un
friar 탁발 수도사 more translation tak bal su do sa
friarhood 탁발 tak bal
friary 수도원 su do won
fribble 쓸데없는 일 more translation sseul de eopt neun il
fricative 마찰음 more translation ma chal eum

Word of the day:
unbendingness · 딱딱함

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