Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 1541 - 1575 of 1806
friction 마찰 more translation ma chal
frictional 마찰의 more translation ma chal ui
frictionally 마찰을 일으키며 ma chal eul il eu ki myeo
Friday 금요일 geum yo il
fridge 냉장고 naeng jang go
fried 기름에 튀긴 gi leum e twi gin
fried rice 볶음 밥 bokk eum bap
friend 친구 more translation chin gu
friendless 친구가 없는 more translation chin gu ga eopt neun
friendliness 우정 more translation u jeong
friendly 친절한 more translation chin jeol han
friendship 우정 more translation u jeong
fries 감자 튀김 gam ja twi gim
frieze 소벽 so byeok
frig 성교하다 more translation seong gyo ha da
frigate 쾌속 범주 군함 kwae sog beom ju gun ham
frige 냉장고 naeng jang go
frigging 빌어먹을 bil eo meog eul
fright 공포 more translation gong po
frighten 놀라다 more translation nol la da
frightened 깜짝 놀란 more translation kkam jjag nol lan
frightening 놀라운 more translation nol la un
frighteningly 놀랍게 more translation nol lap ge
frightful 무서운 more translation mu seo un
frightfully 무섭게 mu seop ge
frightfulness 무서운 것 mu seo un geot
frigid 몹시 추운 more translation mop si chu un
frigidity 혹한 more translation hok han
frigidly 몹시 춥게 more translation mop si chup ge
frill 종이로 만든 주름 장식 more translation jong i lo man deun ju leum jang sik
frilled 주름 장식을 한 ju leum jang sig eul han
frilly 주름 장식이 달린 ju leum jang sig i dal lin
fringe 장식술이 달린 것 more translation jang sik sul i dal lin geot
fringed 테를 두른 more translation te leul du leun
frippery 점잔 jeom jan

Word of the day:
exoteric · 공개적인

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