Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 1611 - 1645 of 1806
frostbite 동상 dong sang
frostbitten 상해를 입히다 sang hae leul ip hi da
frosted 서리로 덮인 seo li lo deop in
frostily 서릿발치듯 seo lit bal chi deut
frosting 케익위에 설탕을 입힘 more translation ke ig wi e seol tang eul ip him
frostwork 서리 꽃 seo li kkoc
frosty 얼어붙는 more translation eol eo but neun
froth 거품 more translation geo pum
frothiness 거품 같음 geo pum gat eum
frothing 거품 내는 geo pum nae neun
frothy 거품 같은 more translation geo pum gat eun
froufrou 옷자락 스치는 소리 ot ja lag seu chi neun so li
frown 찡그림 more translation jjing geu lim
frowning 눈살을 찌푸리는 more translation nun sal eul jji pu li neun
frowst 후끈하는 hu kkeun ha neun
frowsty 후끈한 hu kkeun han
frowsy 악취로 숨막히는 more translation ak chwi lo sum mak hi neun
frowzy 악취로 숨막히는 more translation ak chwi lo sum mak hi neun
frozen 동결된 more translation dong gyeol doen
frozen food 냉동음식 naeng dong eum sik
fructiferous 열매를 맺는 yeol mae leul maet neun
fructification 결실 more translation gyeol sil
fructify 열매를 맺다 more translation yeol mae leul maet da
frugal 절약하는 more translation jeol yak ha neun
frugality 절약 jeol yak
frugally 검소하게 geom so ha ge
fruit 과일 more translation gwa il
fruitage 결실 more translation gyeol sil
fruitcake 과일 케익 more translation gwa il ke ik
fruiter 열매를 맺는 나무 more translation yeol mae leul maet neun na mu
fruiterer 과일 장수 gwa il jang su
fruitful 열매를 많이 맺는 more translation yeol mae leul manh i maet neun
fruitfully 풍성하게 more translation pung seong ha ge
fruition 결실 more translation gyeol sil
fruitless 열매를 맺지 않는 more translation yeol mae leul maet ji anh neun

Word of the day:
whimper · 훌쩍훌쩍 울다

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