Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 666 - 700 of 1815
enfranchise 참정권을 주다 more translation cham jeong gwon eul ju da
enfranchisement 참정권부여 more translation cham jeong gwon bu yeo
engage 약혼하다 more translation yak hon ha da
engaged 약혼한 more translation yak hon han
engagement 서약 more translation seo yak
engaging 남의 마음을 끄는 more translation nam ui ma eum eul kkeu neun
engagingly 기분좋게 more translation gi bun joh ge
engender 생기게 하다 more translation saeng gi ge ha da
engine 발동기 more translation bal dong gi
engined 엔진이 있는 more translation en jin i it neun
engineer 기사 more translation gi sa
engineering 공학 gong hak
enginery 기계류 more translation gi gye lyu
engird 띠로 감다 tti lo gam da
engirdle 띠로 조르다 tti lo jo leu da
England 영국 yeong guk
English 영어 more translation yeong eo
English Channel 영국 해협 more translation yeong gug hae hyeop
englishism 영국식 어법 more translation yeong guk sig eo beop
Englishman 영국 사람 more translation yeong gug sa lam
Englishwoman 영국 여자 yeong gug yeo ja
engorge 마구 먹다 more translation ma gu meok da
engraft 접목하다 more translation jeop mok ha da
engrain 스며들게 하다 more translation seu myeo deul ge ha da
engrained 뿌리가 깊은 more translation ppu li ga gip eun
engrave 새기다 more translation sae gi da
engraved 새겨진 more translation sae gyeo jin
engraver 조각사 jo gak sa
engraving 조각 more translation jo gak
engross 집중시키다 more translation jip jung si ki da
engrossingly 열중하여 more translation yeol jung ha yeo
engulf 덮어씌우다 more translation deop eo ssui u da
engulfment 빠져들기 more translation ppa jyeo deul gi
enhance 증가 시키다 more translation jeung ga si ki da
enhanced 강화된 more translation gang hwa doen

Word of the day:
thuggee · 폭력 조직

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