Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 456 - 490 of 1815
emendation 교정 more translation gyo jeong
emerald 에메랄드 e me lal deu
emerge 나타나다 more translation na ta na da
emergence 출현 more translation chul hyeon
emergency 응급 more translation eung geup
emergency room 응급실 eung geup sil
emergent 나타나는 more translation na ta na neun
emersion 출현 more translation chul hyeon
emery 금강사 geum gang sa
emetic 토제 more translation to je
emeu 에뮤 e myu
emigrant 이민 i min
emigrate 이주하다 more translation i ju ha da
emigration 이주 more translation i ju
emigrational 이민의 i min ui
emigratory 이주의 more translation i ju ui
emigre 해외이주자 more translation hae oe i ju ja
eminence 고위직 more translation go wi jik
eminent 유명한 more translation yu myeong han
eminently 절대적으로 more translation jeol dae jeog eu lo
emir 왕족 wang jok
emissary 사자 more translation sa ja
emission 방사 more translation bang sa
emissive 방사성의 bang sa seong ui
emit 방출하다 more translation bang chul ha da
emmet 개미 gae mi
emollient 연화약 more translation yeon hwa yak
emolument 소득 so deuk
emote 과장된 거동을 하다 more translation gwa jang doen geo dong eul ha da
emotion 감정 more translation gam jeong
emotional 감정적인 gam jeong jeog in
emotionalist 감정적인 사람 gam jeong jeog in sa lam
emotionality 감정성 more translation gam jeong seong
emotionally 감정적으로 gam jeong jeog eu lo
emotionless 무정한 more translation mu jeong han

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shrouds · 수의

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