Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 596 - 630 of 1815
encumber 짐이 되다 more translation jim i doe da
encumbrance 방해물 bang hae mul
encyclic 회칙 hoe chik
encyclopedia 백과사전 baek gwa sa jeon
encyclopedic 백과 사전적인 more translation baek gwa sa jeon jeog in
encyclopedical 백과 사전적인 more translation baek gwa sa jeon jeog in
encyclopedically 박식하게 more translation bak sik ha ge
encyclopedist 백과 사전 편집자 baek gwa sa jeon pyeon jip ja
end 끝나다 more translation kkeut na da
endamagement 손상을 줌 more translation son sang eul jum
endanger 위험에빠트리다 more translation wi heom e ppa teu li da
endangered 위험에 처한 more translation wi heom e cheo han
endangering 위험 wi heom
endear 사랑 받게 하다 more translation sa lang bat ge ha da
endearingly 귀엽게 more translation gwi yeop ge
endearment 친애 more translation chin ae
endearments 애칭 ae ching
endeavor 노력 more translation no lyeok
endeavorer 노력하는 사람 more translation no lyeok ha neun sa lam
endeavour 노력 more translation no lyeok
endemic 원산지의 more translation won san ji ui
ending 종결 more translation jong gyeol
endive 꽃상추 kkoc sang chu
endless 끝이없는 more translation kkeut i eopt neun
endlessly 목적없이 more translation mok jeog eops i
endlessness 끝이 없음 more translation kkeut i eops eum
endlong 세로로 se lo lo
endnote 텍스트의 끝부분에 있는 설명문 tek seu teu ui kkeut bu bun e it neun seol myeong mun
endo 내부의 뜻 more translation nae bu ui tteut
endocarditis 심장 내막염 sim jang nae mag yeom
endocrinological 내분비학의 nae bun bi hag ui
endocrinology 내분비학 nae bun bi hak
endogamy 동족 결혼 dong jog gyeol hon
endorse 지지하다 more translation ji ji ha da
endorsement 배서 more translation bae seo

Word of the day:
epistemological · 인식론의

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