Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 491 - 525 of 1815
emotive 감정의 more translation gam jeong ui
empathic 감정이입의 more translation gam jeong i ib ui
empathy 감정 이입 more translation gam jeong i ip
empennage 미부 mi bu
emperor 황제 hwang je
emperorship 황제 hwang je
emphasis 강조 more translation gang jo
emphasise 강조하다 more translation gang jo ha da
emphasize 강조하다 gang jo ha da
emphasizer 강조하는 것 gang jo ha neun geot
emphatic 강조된 more translation gang jo doen
emphatically 단호히 more translation dan ho hi
emphaticalness 강세를 둠 gang se leul dum
emphysema 기종 gi jong
empire 제국 je guk
empiric 경험적인 more translation gyeong heom jeog in
empirical 관찰을 통한 more translation gwan chal eul tong han
empiricism 경험주의 more translation gyeong heom ju ui
empiricist 경험주의자 more translation gyeong heom ju ui ja
empiriocriticism 경험적인 비판적 태도 gyeong heom jeog in bi pan jeog tae do
emplace 설치하다 seol chi ha da
emplacement 설치 more translation seol chi
emplane 비행기에 태우다 more translation bi haeng gi e tae u da
employ 고용하다 more translation go yong ha da
employable 고용하기에 적합한 go yong ha gi e jeok hap han
employee 피고용인 more translation pi go yong in
employer 고용주 more translation go yong ju
employment 사역 more translation sa yeok
empoison 독을 넣다 more translation dog eul neoh da
emporium 시장 more translation si jang
empower 권한을 부여하다 more translation gwon han eul bu yeo ha da
empowerment 허가 more translation heo ga
empress 황후 hwang hu
emptily 텅비게 teong bi ge
emptiness 텅빔 more translation teong bim

Word of the day:
salient · 철각

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