Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 561 - 595 of 1815
encephalitis 뇌염 noe yeom
enchain 사슬로 매다 sa seul lo mae da
enchant 요술을 걸다 more translation yo sul eul geol da
enchanted 마법에 걸린 more translation ma beob e geol lin
enchanter 매력 있는 사람 more translation mae lyeog it neun sa lam
enchanting 매혹적인 more translation mae hok jeog in
enchantingly 마법적으로 more translation ma beop jeog eu lo
enchantment 매혹 more translation mae hok
enchantress 여자 요술쟁이 yeo ja yo sul jaeng i
enchase ...에 부각하다 more translation e bu gak ha da
enchiridion 편람 pyeon lam
encipher 암호로 바꾸다 am ho lo ba kku da
encircle 에워 싸다 more translation e wo ssa da
encirclement 에워쌈 e wo ssam
enclasp 움켜쥐다 um kyeo jwi da
enclose 닫다 more translation dat da
enclosed 둘러싼 more translation dul leo ssan
enclosure 둘러쌈 more translation dul leo ssam
encode 암호로 바꿔 쓰다 am ho lo ba kkwo sseu da
encodement 암호화 하기 am ho hwa ha gi
encoding 부호화 bu ho hwa
encomiast 찬양하는 사람 chan yang ha neun sa lam
encomiastic 찬미의 more translation chan mi ui
encompass 둘러싸다 more translation dul leo ssa da
encore 앙코르 ang ko leu
encounter 마주침 more translation ma ju chim
encourage 용기를주다 more translation yong gi leul ju da
encouragement 격려 more translation gyeok lyeo
encouraging 격려의 more translation gyeok lyeo ui
encouragingly 기운을 북돋우며 more translation gi un eul buk dod u myeo
encroach 침입하다 more translation chim ip ha da
encroach on 침해하다 chim hae ha da
encroachment 침입 more translation chim ip
encrust 외피로 덮다 more translation oe pi lo deop da
encrustation 외피로 덮음 more translation oe pi lo deop eum

Word of the day:
elongate · 길게 하다

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