Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 701 - 735 of 1815
enhancement 강화 more translation gang hwa
enhancing 향상시키기 more translation hyang sang si ki gi
enharmonic 이명 동음의 more translation i myeong dong eum ui
enigma 수수께끼 su su kke kki
enigmatic 수수께끼의 more translation su su kke kki ui
enigmatically 불가사의 하게 more translation bul ga sa ui ha ge
enisle 섬으로 만들다 seom eu lo man deul da
enjoin 명하다 more translation myeong ha da
enjoy 즐기다 jeul gi da
enjoyable 재미있는 more translation jae mi it neun
enjoyment 향유 more translation hyang yu
enkindle 타오르게 하다 more translation ta o leu ge ha da
enlace 레이스로 장식하다 le i seu lo jang sik ha da
enlarge 크게 하다 more translation keu ge ha da
enlargeable 크게 할 수 있는 more translation keu ge hal su it neun
enlarged 크게 확장된 keu ge hwak jang doen
enlargement 확대 more translation hwak dae
enlighten 계몽하다 more translation gye mong ha da
enlightened 계몽된 more translation gye mong doen
enlightenedness 문명화됨 more translation mun myeong hwa doem
enlightening 계몽적인 gye mong jeog in
enlightenment 계몽 more translation gye mong
enlist 징병에 응하다 more translation jing byeong e eung ha da
enlisted 사병의 more translation sa byeong ui
enliven 활기 있게 만들다 more translation hwal gi it ge man deul da
enmesh 그물로 잡다 more translation geu mul lo jap da
enmity 적의 more translation jeog ui
ennoble 귀족으로 만들다 more translation gwi jog eu lo man deul da
ennoblement 귀족으로 만드는 것 gwi jog eu lo man deu neun geot
ennobling 귀족으로 만드는 gwi jog eu lo man deu neun
ennui 권태 gwon tae
enormity 극악무도 more translation geug ak mu do
enormous 거대한 more translation geo dae han
enormously 막대하게 mak dae ha ge
enormousness 거대함 geo dae ham

Word of the day:
unnaturally · 잔인하게

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