Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 841 - 875 of 1815
entrenched 참호로 에워싸는 more translation cham ho lo e wo ssa neun
entrenchment 참호 구축 작업 more translation cham ho gu chug jag eop
entrepreneur 기업가 more translation gi eop ga
entrepreneurship 기업가 정신 more translation gi eop ga jeong sin
entrust 맡기다 more translation mat gi da
entrusting 맡기는 mat gi neun
entrustment 위임 more translation wi im
entry 입장 more translation ip jang
entryist 정당 참여 jeong dang cham yeo
entwine 엉키게 하다 more translation eong ki ge ha da
enucleate 명백히 하다 more translation myeong baek hi ha da
enucleation 핵의 제거 haeg ui je geo
enumerate 세다 more translation se da
enumeration 번호매기기 more translation beon ho mae gi gi
enunciate 선언하다 more translation seon eon ha da
enunciation 발음 more translation bal eum
enunciator 발음자 more translation bal eum ja
enure 익히다 more translation ik hi da
enuresis 유뇨 more translation yu nyo
envelop 싸다 more translation ssa da
envelope 봉투 bong tu
enveloped 봉해진 bong hae jin
enveloping 봉한 more translation bong han
envelopment 봉함 more translation bong ham
envenom 독을 넣다 more translation dog eul neoh da
envenomed 독을 넣는 more translation dog eul neoh neun
enviable 샘나는 more translation saem na neun
enviably 질투할 만하게 jil tu hal man ha ge
envious 부러워하는 more translation bu leo wo ha neun
enviously 질투하여 more translation jil tu ha yeo
environ 둘러싸다 dul leo ssa da
environment 환경 hwan gyeong
environmental 주위의 more translation ju wi ui
environmentally 환경적으로 hwan gyeong jeog eu lo
environs 교외 more translation gyo oe

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footballer · 축구선수

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