Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 771 - 805 of 1815
ensure 확실하게하다 more translation hwak sil ha ge ha da
entablement 상대 sang dae
entail 계승 예정 순위 more translation gye seung ye jeong sun wi
entailment 상속인 한정 sang sog in han jeong
entangle 뒤얽히게 하다 more translation dwi eolk hi ge ha da
entangled 뒤얽히게 하는 more translation dwi eolk hi ge ha neun
entanglement 얽히게함 more translation eolk hi ge ham
entente 협약 hyeob yak
entente powers 협상국 hyeop sang guk
enter 들어가다 more translation deul eo ga da
enterable 들어갈 수 있는 more translation deul eo gal su it neun
enteric 장의 jang ui
entering 들어가기 more translation deul eo ga gi
enteritis 장염 jang yeom
enterprise 대담함 more translation dae dam ham
enterpriser 기업가 gi eop ga
enterprising 기업적인 more translation gi eop jeog in
entertain 즐겁게하다 more translation jeul geop ge ha da
entertainer 환대하는 사람 more translation hwan dae ha neun sa lam
entertaining 재미있는 jae mi it neun
entertainingly 흥겹게 more translation heung gyeop ge
entertainment 오락 more translation o lak
enthrall 사로 잡다 more translation sa lo jap da
enthralling 마음을 사로잡는 ma eum eul sa lo jap neun
enthrallingly 매혹적으로 more translation mae hok jeog eu lo
enthralment 매혹 mae hok
enthrone 왕위에 올리다 more translation wang wi e ol li da
enthronement 즉위 more translation jeug wi
enthuse 열중하다 more translation yeol jung ha da
enthusiasm 열광 more translation yeol gwang
enthusiast 열성적인 사람 more translation yeol seong jeog in sa lam
enthusiastic 열광적인 more translation yeol gwang jeog in
enthusiastical 열광적인 more translation yeol gwang jeog in
enthusiastically 정열적으로 jeong yeol jeog eu lo
entice 꾀다 more translation kkoe da

Word of the day:
unamplified · 확성되지 않은

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